High Disk Usage? Print

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We have had a few people with high disk usage create support tickets as their sites were very small.

Before you make a support ticket please run the following command in your VPS.

Login to ssh as root first then run:

find / -type f -size +20000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }' 

That should output the "large" files on your vps server, it make take a while to scan them all.

Most of the time you will notice large log files some even over 10gb.

These are what is taking up your space.


you can use the following command to delete them:

rm -f path_of_log_file

first you may want to view them using this command:

cat path_of_log_file | more

At this point you have a few options.

1. Manually delete files every few days

2. Make a cron to auto delete the files

3. Turn off the logging (you should only do this if you don't need the logs)


If you have any problems please create a low priority support ticket.

Post from !

Kindest Regards,


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